Monday, August 26, 2024

Book Chain 7: The Evolutionist by Rena Mason

Book Chain Campaign: BookChain7: Tracking Log for:

The Evolutionist by Rena Mason:

i. Bought on 
Amazon, June 22, 2024

ii. Given from Eric J. Guignard to Jo Kaplan at Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Glendale, August 25, 2024

iii. Where to next...? Only chance and the last reader involved may determine! #BookChainChallenge



Book back copy: Las Vegas suburbanite, Stacy Troy, dreams that everyone is dead. She dismembers the bodies of loved ones, stuffs them into a shopping cart, then takes them two at a time to the pile where she will burn their remains and say her last goodbyes.

Waking nightly to her own screams, Stacy is convinced she’s on the brink of a mid-life crisis and begins secretly seeing a psychiatrist. Dr. Light and his methods seem strange and unconventional, but his treatments work, and her circumstances improve. Until the nightmares return with a vengeance, taking on a life of their own.

Uncertain what to believe, Stacy carries on living the only life she remembers. Nosebleeds and head-splitting alarms only she can hear, become a regular occurrence. In physical and mental decline, the nocturnal world in her mind refuses to die. The images it reveals hold clues that lead her to a shocking discovery.

Threatening to unravel the last thread of her sanity, Stacy must make a heartrending decision... before her post-apocalyptic nightmares come true.

(pub. Encyclopocalypse Publications, 2023 <orig. Nightscape Press, 2013>)


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