Friday, June 28, 2024

Book Chain 2: Truck Stop by John Penney

Book Chain Campaign: BookChain2: Tracking Log for:

Truck Stop by John Penney:

i. Bought from John Penney by Eric J. Guignard at Festival of Books, April 23, 2023

ii. Given from 
Eric J. Guignard to Craig DiLouie at StokerCon, June 2, 2024

iii. Given from 
Craig DiLouie to Chris Marrs August 29, 2024

iv. Given from Chris Marrs to Shane Kroetsch September 12, 2024

v. Given from Shane Kroetsch to Julie Hiner September 25, 2024

vi. Given from Julie Hiner to Sarah Pratt October 3, 2024

Where to next...? Only chance and the last reader involved may determine! #BookChainChallenge



Book back copy: “On a lonely stretch of highway in the Utah mountains, Cedar Mountain Truck Stop awaits the unsuspecting traveler. Over the years, it has been the setting of unspeakable acts of horror that have gone undiscovered. It is the hunting ground for a serial killer who disposes the bodies in the junkyard behind the rambling, rundown complex. But the long dead victims are not going quietly-- Their spirits haunt the dingy hallways, sleeping rooms, gift shop and repair garage, seeking out someone who can solve their horrific deaths. Seeking someone who is a sensitive that can hear their cries for vengeance…”

(pub. Encyclopocalypse Publications, 2020 <orig. 2011>)

Available here:

And reviewed on:





Thursday, June 27, 2024

Book Chain 1: The Legend of Charlie Fish by Josh Rountree

Book Chain Campaign: BookChain1: Tracking Log for:

The Legend of Charlie Fish by Josh Rountree:

The first #bookchain! The idea came when 
Kasey Lansdale gave me a copy of The Legend of Charlie Fish by Josh Rountree while we were panelists together at WonderCon 2024. Kasey said that Josh had given the copy to her, and she'd enjoyed it, and now was gifting it to me, and I thought, "I've got to keep this going!"

So I read it, enjoyed it also, and brought it to
 StokerCon 2024 (San Diego) and gave it to author Sarah S. Faxon.

And so, Book Chain began!

i. Given from Josh Rountree to Kasey Lansdale, July, 2023

ii. Given from Kasey Lansdale to Eric J. Guignard at WonderCon, March 28, 2024 (*although the book was given to me in March, the pic was pic taken May 31)

iii. Given from Eric J. Guignard to S. Faxon at StokerCon, May 31, 2024

iv. Given from S. Faxon to Alexa Tanen at The Writers CoffeehouseMysterious Galaxy Bookstore (San Diego)August 4, 2024

v. Given from Alexa Tanen to Dennis K. Crosby at The Writers Coffeehouse, Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore (San Diego), September 1, 2024

Where to next...? Only chance and the last reader involved may determine! #BookChainChallenge



Book back copy: “As an unlikely found-family flees toward Galveston, a psychic young girl bonds with Charlie Fish, an enigmatic gill-man. Meanwhile, they are pursued by bounty hunters determined to profit from the spectacle of Charlie. But the Great Storm—the worst natural disaster in U.S. history—is on its way. Josh Rountree’s strikingly original debut novel ranges effortlessly between the Gothic, pulp, literary, Western, and comedic.”

(pub. Tachyon Publications, 2023)

Available here:

And reviewed on:


Barnes & Noble:




Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Connecting readers, writers, and fans across the world!

I’m starting a book chain primarily for horror-centric authors, but—of course—welcome to any direction book tastes and genres should turn.

Here’s how it works:

1. I, or anyone else who wishes to start their own chain, obtains a book.

2. Read and enjoy it!

3. Give the book (for free) to someone else (either in person or via postal mail) and—this is the fun part—mark on the inside cover the date and to whom the book is being gifted into a log. I created a log template print-out (download here) that individuals can print and glue inside the book, OR you can just write the info directly on the inside cover.

4. Take a picture of the book as it's given to (or with) the next book-chain reader AND take a picture of the log, AND post to social media with the tag #BookChain.

5. Tag me on social media that you completed step #4 and I'll share your post, add you to the master log, and promote you and tracking of that #bookchain book!

How long will each chain last? Only chance and the last reader involved may determine!

#BookChain #BookChainCampaign #BookChainChallenge

Each link below takes you to that book's chain.



BookChain8: Through Violet Eyes by Stephen Woodworth

UPCOMING! BookChain12: Bleak Houses by Kate Maruyama


UPCOMING! BookChain13: Caged Ocean Dub: Glints & Stories by Dare Segun Falowo


UPCOMING! BookChain14: Terrace V: Penitent's Gold (anthology) edited by Robert Bose and Sarah L. Pratt


UPCOMING! BookChain15: The City by S.C. Mendes


UPCOMING! BookChain16: The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future by Christi Nogle


UPCOMING! BookChain17: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: The Novelization by Jeff Strand


UPCOMING! BookChain18: It Waits in the Dark by Vanessa Lanang


UPCOMING! BookChain19: The Thicket by Joe R. Lansdale


UPCOMING! BookChain20: Title by Lisa Kastner


UPCOMING! BookChain21: Double Jack by Gene O'Neill


UPCOMING! BookChain22: White Trash and Recycled Nightmares by Rebecca Rowland


UPCOMING! BookChain23: California Bear by Duane Swierczynski


#BookChain #ericjguignard #booklover #bookworm #bookcommunity #horrorcommunity #horrorlovers #promotebooks #readmorebooks #amreading

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Looking for info on Indian author S. Mukerji

It’s seemingly a rather meager pool, but I’m going to dive as deep as I can into the life and work of Indian author S. Mukerji, author of INDIAN GHOST STORIES (1914). If anyone happens to have insights into this (possible pseudonym) author who appears to have only written between 1913–1921, please do contact me.