Sunday, February 24, 2019

TWO Nominations for the 2018 Bram Stoker Awards!!

I was gone all day yesterday, and came back to find that I’d been nominated for TWO Categories for the 2018 Bram Stoker Awards®

What a day! (coached two AYSO soccer games, one of which my son scored a huge goal(!); helped out with a Cub Scouts event in advance of my son graduating into Boy Scouts; entertained visiting family; and it’s my daughter’s birthday(!), and THEN THIS NEWS!)

I received nominations for Superior Achievement in an Anthology for: A WORLD OF HORROR (publ. Dark Moon Books), and also Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection for THAT WHICH GROWS WILD (publ. Cemetery Dance Publications), which is my baby!!!

Shocked, thrilled, elated, and more… so much more! AND IMMENSE CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OTHER NOMINEES ON THIS BALLOT!

If one is judged by the company they keep, I have bested my highest writing aspirations (well, most of them!).

Read the full ballot here, and wish me good fortune alongside so many well-esteemed peers:

Thank you to the Horror Writers Association, who have been an immense resource of technical information, guidance, and insight.


  1. Your daughter's b'day AND your son scored a goal? Best day ever! Oh yeah, and that Bram Stoker thing, times two.:-) Congrats!

    1. Haha, indeed it was monumental. I'm sure it's all downhill from here!


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