Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preditors & Editors Nominations!!

Great news! I, and the work I’ve been involved in, have been nominated in FOUR different categories in this year’s Preditors & Editors™ Readers' Poll!!

P&E is a respected publishing guide, and their annual poll an indicator of quality projects and contributors throughout the past year. Voting is open to the public and they don't harvest your info. You do have to go through a one-time e-mail verification in order to prevent Spam. Please take a moment to cast your vote!

Best Anthology published in 2012: Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations

Best Book/e-book Cover Artwork published in 2012: Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations

Best Print/Electronic Book Editor: Eric J. Guignard

Best Horror Short Story published in 2012: “A Curse and a Kiss” by Eric J. Guignard

In addition, “Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations” is listed on three different “Best Of” Lists through (partnered with Listopia):

"Indie Books - Short-Story Collections/Anthologies" Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations is currently #8.

“Best Books of 2012” Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations is currently #392.

"Best Horror Anthologies" Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations is currently #3. 
If you have an account, be sure to vote at each of the links!